
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

My favorite thing to do on Sunday afternoons, besides Church of course, is to fix dinner and then spend some time playing with my family. This particular afternoon we are playing in the bubbles.

Tyler is just happy being here. He just smiles and walks around watching. It doesn't matter if he is doing what everyone else is doing, he is just happy being.

Grandpa says anything the girls can do---I can do too. Paisley, Jocelyn & Katelyn had as many giggles as bubbles.

Jace is trying his hand with the bubbles, and Tyler is watching with envy.


Michael said...

Bravo! Superb Blog.

DaleneH said...

Thank you so much for your comment! It makes my night!

Adrie said...

Cute blog! Matt and I started one of our own.