
Friday, June 22, 2007

Eating at the T-Rex Cafe in Kansas City

Nicole loved eating with the dinosaurs. We all became carnivores for this special occasion.
Of course we had to wait for our table, and conveniently their is a" Make a Dinosaur" right their in the entrance. How could we resist? So many choices. Nicole wanted all the bells and whistles including a noise maker in her dinos hand. Fits her personality to the T. (That stands for T-Rex of course.) She named her pink dinosaur, "Dino Rock". Spencer was more particular about the whole thing, very careful to make sure that "Speedy Beast" looked just right. He did a great job--all fitting with his great personality too.Nicole even knew how much stuffing she wanted in Dino Rock.
  1. There were so many outfits, she had to change her mind a little to get Dino Rock to look just right. So like a girl.
There wasn't much food left when we finished. If you are ever in Kansas City with a dinosaur lover like Spencer, The T-Rex Cafe is one to put on your list. Nicole was sure it would be too scary but once she was in the door-she lost all of her fear.

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