
Monday, January 28, 2008

The death of President Hinckley

I haven't written in a really long time. Not because I haven't had some things worth recording. I have felt like a clown juggling in the circus, too many balls in the air all coming down at the same time.

Last night our prophet, Gordon Bitner Hinckley returned to his Heavenly Father, at 7:00 p.m. January 27, 2008. What a reunion that must have been. 97 plus years of serving, giving, working, accomplishing, teaching. . .I'm sure that he received a well done my good and faithful servant as he was enveloped in the arms of the Creator of us all. Marjorie, his dear sweet friend and sweetheart of more than 60 years was there waiting patiently. How happy she was that those 4 years didn't have to last any longer. Behind Marjorie, was our prophet’s earthly Father who had once told him to "forget yourself and get to work". Gordon was such an obedient boy! After that directive, he never looked back, but continued forgetting himself and working and accomplishing. His Mom Ada, had waited even longer to put her arms around her boy. Being a Mom is an amazing thing. I seem to get more joy from watching my children do the right, than any other thing. His Mom had been watching down from the heavens, as her boy did all the right things.

After the first reunion, one wonders who else was there. I am sure that Joseph Smith was waiting, (remember how he commemorated his birthday -). Brigham would be there. (Brigham’s picture was in his office). David O McKay was one of his mentors, maybe there is a prophet reunion going on right now. There could be no doubt about James E Faust being at the reunion. Pres. Faust hasn't had much more experience with heaven than Pres. Hinckley. What an amazing that reunion could be.

While the reunion with President Hinckley is mind boggling, that isn't really the part that is truly amazing. It is the true, unquestioning testimony that President Hinckley has been God's prophet on the earth for these 13 years that stirs my heart and my soul.

Last September, I had the privilege of attending the Woman's Conference at the Conference Center. The following is taken from the notebook that was in my purse.

September 29, 2007 - The entire congregation stood and that that minute I knew that Pres. Hinckley must have been entering the room. I stood and looked around. There he was with his white hair, gray suit and red tie carrying his cane. It appears he uses that cane as much for something to hold in his hand as to stable his balance.

Right before me stood our prophet, the Lord's prophet, my own prophet, the instrument to guide the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My heart pounded. The Holy Ghost took over my entire being with pure knowledge. There was no doubt.

It is so easy to become complacent about the opportunity attend this Woman's Conference in the Conference Center with our prophet. Life is busy, and I could have watched from the comfort of my living room on television. I wonder if the Nephites were casual when they brought their tents to hear King Mosiah. I am so grateful that this one particular time, I took advantage of the opportunity provided for me by my leaders to attend in person this conference.

Just seeing Pres Hinckley is enough and more for any effort I had made. I saw our Beloved Prophet tonight. This is a close to seeing my Savior as I will ever get. I know that he is the prophet for our day. Seeing him tonight has caused my heart to rejoice. There is no doubt."

On January 4, 2008, I watched President Hinckley at the rededication of the Utah State Capital on television. My heart wondered at his example and continued service. He looked so tired to me. He has 97, I wanted him to have a rest. I thought about his advanced age, and his enormous job, so many balls in the air. I wanted him to see his Marjorie again. Several more times this past month, I have thought those same thoughts.

I am so thankful for his service. I am thankful he is able to move on to the next realm. And the thing I am most thankful for is that I have no doubt. As we move forward to his funeral and then to President Monson's service, I know that the Lord is leading his church with his very own voice through his prophets. That is truly the amazing thing, that I can have that knowledge, and have no doubt.